Homelessness in Salt Lake City


Homelessness in Salt Lake City

Utah Valley University



 Runner Up

Homelessness in Salt Lake City

Research Team

Dumdi Baribe

Arthur Diaz

Jacquelyn Covey

Parker Howell

Greg Brooks


Project Summary

Team team examined homelessness in Salt Lake City, Utah. Utilizing both primary research in the form of stakeholder quotes and media interviews, as well as secondary research as published by journalists and various policy institutes and coalitions, they looked at data about the city's unhoused population. One of the key findings was the huge lack of intersectional data to inform about how vulnerable subpopulations such as BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities experience homelessness. Another was how Salt Lake City's strategy in solving this problem has suffered from inconsistent leadership and the mental attitudes that influence perceptions of the unhoused leading to the overutilization of law enforcement and punitive approaches. 


Visual Map    

Written Summary  
